This page should be like a quick update I’d give a friend when they ask, “What’s new with you?” It’s a simple way to share what I’m focused on—projects, interests, or life updates—without the noise of social media.
Feb 16, 2025, New York

- I’m patiently awaiting the arrival of spring. Winter always gets to me — my energy dips, and I fall behind on healthy habits. The only upside is the occasional time spent with the kids in the snow.
- Exciting times at work. I’m wearing lots of hats, getting in the weeds and tweaking things in production. Lots of things coming together.
- Still obsessed with the garage shop. Since the garage has no heating and I’m stuck inside, I’m using the winter to plan out four different workbenches. Ordered aluminum framing last week and have been 3D-printing Gridfinity bins for future shop drawers.
- Still reading mostly sci-fi every day. Recent highlights I would recommend are the Salvation Sequence by Peter F. Hamilton and the Final Architecture Trilogy by Adrian Tchaikovsky. Without spoiling anything, these books made me realize I really enjoy stories that span thousands—or even tens of thousands—of years.
- My GitHub contribution dots are lighting up again after a hiatus—including updates to this very site. Pleasantly surprised that Next.js, Tailwind, and Prisma (together with tRPC) are now bundled as the t3 stack. Somehow, full-stack React feels way less frustrating than it did a few years ago. Also, Cursor is incredible.